Our laboratory aims to extract useful technologies from neural circuits and apply them to the next generation of information processing hardware.
Using various inorganic materials and circuit technologies as research tools, we will tackle new problems with a bottom-up approach.
What's New
2024/10/1 | D1 Dong, M1 Liu, Research students Zhang, Zhang, Wang, Li and Hwang participated in the laboratory. |
2024/4/1 | M1 Kayano and Yin, B4 Takagi and Furue, Staff Iwata participated in the laboratory. |
2023/9/1 | Kawaguchi, Staff, participated in the laboratory. |
2023/4/16 | Nyi, Academic researcher, participated in the laboratory. |
2023/4/1 | M1 Otsuka, Geng and Tsuji, B4 Otsubo, Taniguchi and Tsuruda participated in the laboratory. |
Research Topics
The 21st century is the age of information. A completely new hardware technology is required to create a sustainable society for the next 100 years. The operating principles of biological neural circuits are now attracting attention as a potential source of such technology. Their resilience and energy-saving properties, which have been refined through long evolution, are exactly what is required to build a sustainable society. In our laboratory, we extract useful technologies from neural circuits and apply them to the next generation of information processing hardware. For this purpose, we utilize highly versatile circuit technologies and material technologies that generate a variety of functions.
Recruiting Students and Research Staff